Selected Publications and Projects
See the CDS/PI Collaborative's Projects page
Jerry Osheroff, Barry Blumenfeld, Joshua Richardson, Beth Lasater, Opioid Action Plan Working Group. Patient Centered Decision Support Learning Network. 2019
Over 50 individuals from many different stakeholder groups developed a shared consensus future vision of decision-support-enabled opioid-related care, identified actions to make the vision realized widely, and began taking those actions.
Improving Outcomes with Clinical Decision Support: An Implementer's Guide. Second edition
Jerry Osheroff, Jonathan Teich, Donald Levick, Luis Saldana, Ferdinand Velasco, M.D., Dean Sittig, Kendall Rogers, Robert Jenders
HIMSS, Scottsdale Institute, SHM, AMIA, AMDIS. February 2012
Update to 2005 CDS guidebook; completely reorganized and substantially revised with input from over 100 individuals and organizations. Contains recommendations for diverse care delivery organizations and practices, EHR/HIT vendors, and others. HIMSS 2012 Book of the Year and bestseller.
Achieving Meaningful Meaningful Use
Jerry Osheroff
HIMSS, Clinical Insights 2009 (web publication)
Article reinforces the tight link between Meaningful Use requirements and the growing imperative to improve care processes and outcomes. Recommends approaches using the former as a means to addressing the latter.
Improving Medication Use and Outcomes with Clinical Decision Support: A Step-by-step Guide
Jerry Osheroff, Editor-in-chief
HIMSS, Scottsdale Institute, AMIA, ISMP, ASHP, AMDIS, 2009
Best-selling follow-on to the 2005 CDS implementer's guidebook. Provides detailed guidance for implementers on applying CDS to improve medication use and outcomes. Developed and published in association with leading medication and informatics societies, health systems, AHRQ, and EHR vendors. Awarded "HIMSS Book of the Year".
A Roadmap for National Action on Clinical Decision Support
Jerry Osheroff, Jonathan Teich, Blackford Middleton, others
JAMIA, 2007
Outlines steps for national action to improve healthcare outcomes with CDS. Presented to the Secretary, US Department of Health and Human Services and others in 2006, and has informed action on CDS by federal agencies and others since.
Improving Outcomes with Clinical Decision Support: An Implementer's Guide
Jerry Osheroff, Eric Pifer, Jonathan Teich, Dean Sittig, Robert Jenders
HIMSS, 2005
Widely used in the US and abroad to guide CDS implementers and others on practical steps for successfully applying CDS to improve care processes and outcomes. All-time best-selling HIMSS book. HIMSS 2005 Book of the Year.
Slide/audio presentations on CDS-enabled quality improvement and the ONC CDS4MU project deliverables: see the ONC-supported "Resources for Improving Care with CDS"
Using CDS to Address Healthcare Performance Improvement Imperatives given to Crescent City Beacon Community October 3, 2012.
Presentation at 2009 AHRQ conference "Translating information into action: Improving quality of care via interactive media": video Recording Link (< 8 minutes); further details about conference are here.
Media Coverage
Healthcare Informatics; Second-generation CDS, Mark Hagland, 2/28/12
Several paragraph article intro provide perspectives on CDS and early insights from theCDS/PI Collaborative
Executive Leaders Radio, 11/29/11
10 minute interview covering how early personal history shaped Dr. Osheroff's professional trajectory
CMIO Magazine, 6/15/2009
Interview describing how Dr. Osheroff helped define and address the Chief Clinical Informatics Officer role at Thomson Reuters Healthcare